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2011-07-12 21:50:00   来源:   

作者:Utkan Demirci 来源:《生物微流体》 发布时间:2011-7-12

来自全球顶级学府、哈佛大学医学院、布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women"s Hospital)的研究人员通过新型自动化生物打印方法实现了胚胎干细胞的生物打印(bioprinting)。这一研究成果公布在美国物理联合会出版的《生物微流体》(Biomicrofluids)杂志上。

领导这一研究的是哈佛医学院医学生物声学微机电系统实验室的Utkan Demirci博士,他获得了我国2010年度第一批外国青年学者研究基金资助。




Embryonic stem cell bioprinting for uniform and controlled size embryoid body formation

Biomicrofluids   doi:10.1063/1.3580752

Feng Xu, BanuPriya Sridharan, ShuQi Wang, Umut Atakan Gurkan, Brian Syverud, and Utkan Demirci

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent with multilineage potential to differentiate into virtually all cell types in the organism and thus hold a great promise for cell therapy and regenerative medicine. In vitro differentiation of ESCs starts with a phase known as embryoid body (EB) formation. EB mimics the early stages of embryogenesis and plays an essential role in ESC differentiation in vitro. EB uniformity and size are critical parameters that directly influence the phenotype expression of ESCs. Various methods have been developed to form EBs, which involve natural aggregation of cells. However, challenges persist to form EBs with controlled size, shape, and uniformity in a reproducible manner. The current hanging-drop methods are labor intensive and time consuming. In this study, we report an approach to form controllable, uniform-sized EBs by integrating bioprinting technologies with the existing hanging-drop method. The approach presented here is simple, robust, and rapid. We present significantly enhanced EB size uniformity compared to the conventional manual hanging-drop method.

相关热词搜索:生物 流体 胚胎


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